Posts tagged Force Majeure
Can I Break My Wedding Venue Contract If COVID Gets In the Way?

The last eight months have changed all of our lives in ways we never could have imagined. More people are working from home, schooling your children over zoom is a nightmare and trying to plan otherwise celebratory events like weddings has become a complete and total mess. For those who planned on getting married this year, they were quickly confronted with the complications that accompany COVID, most especially, the state and local mandated shut downs and now, the indoor occupancy limits.

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Force Majeure Clauses: Does the Coronavirus Excuse Me From Performing My Contractual Obligations?

Black’s Law Dictionary defines “force majeure clause” as “a contractual provision allocating the risk if performance becomes impossible or impracticable as a result of an event or effect that the parties could not have anticipated or controlled.” Among the countless questions that have been raised during the coronavirus pandemic, one that seems to pop up frequently is whether the coronavirus is grounds for allowing a party to avoid performing their obligations under a contract. The answer really depends on the language in the contract and how New York law interprets these clauses, which unfortunately, is quite narrowly.

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