Posts tagged Sole Proprietorships
How do I Convert my Sole Proprietorship into a Limited Liability Company?

In order to answer the question posed in the title of this post, it's important to understand the distinction between a sole proprietorship and a limited liability company ("LLC"). The most important distinction is that a sole proprietorship is not actually a corporate entity separate from the owner, like a corporation or LLC. When someone chooses to operate their business as a sole proprietorship, they are simply running their affairs under their personal name and accept unlimited liability (i.e., your personal assets are at risk) as they carry out the nature of their work. Of course, this has inherent risks, but it is by far the cheapest option available for anyone looking to start a business.

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Started an Etsy Business? Here's How to Make it Legitimate.

So, you’ve started a business on Etsy. Whether you’re creating screen printed shirts, custom leather goods, pottery or furniture, you made the decision to bring your talent, skills and keen eye for design to the masses and sell your products online. Congratulations! Etsy is a great place for those that are looking to turn a hobby into a money making opportunity or grow a business that has quickly jumped out of the idea phase and into reality. If you’ve ever had the thought, “what do I need to do to make this Etsy business legitimate,” this post is for you.

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Do I Need An LLC to Start My Business?

So you’ve made the decision to start your own business. Congratulations! For many people, this major life decision often comes with more questions than answers. One question that I hear regularly is, “my friend recently started a new business and she registered as an LLC, do I need an LLC to start my business?”

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