Posts tagged U.S. Citizenship
What are the Eligibility Requirements for Becoming a U.S. Citizen through Naturalization?

Welcome to this part of your journey towards becoming a U.S. citizen! If you're reading this post it might be because you're curious about the requirements for naturalizing and whether you are eligible to take the next step towards U.S. citizenship. Or maybe you have a friend or family member that has talked about naturalizing and you want to learn more about the process. Regardless of why you're here, naturalization is the process by which a greencard holder (or Legal Permanent Resident ("LPR"), applies for and obtains U.S. citizenship. Among the many benefits of becoming a U.S. citizen, one of the most valuable for green card holders is that they are no longer confined to the various limitations that come with LPR status.

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The Child Citizenship Act of 2000: International Adoptions and Automatic U.S. Citizenship

On October 30, 2000, Former President Bill Clinton signed into law the Child Citizenship Act of 2000, which contains provisions that allow foreign-born, biological and adopted children of U.S. citizens to acquire U.S. citizenship automatically, if they satisfy certain requirements before the age of 18.

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