Posts tagged Verbal Contracts
5 Reasons to Get That Next Contract in Writing

Although verbal contracts are just as enforceable as written ones, the benefits of putting your agreement in writing far outweigh the costs. The days of shaking hands and hoping for the best are behind us, and COVID may have helped put an end to this relic of the past. Written contracts are far more common today and have become pivotal in -- facilitating business transactions, creating mortgages, transferring ownership of property, and securing employment.

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Are Verbal Contracts or "Handshake Agreements" Valid?

Every valid, enforceable contract has three key components: (1) An offer, (2) an acceptance of that offer, and (3) consideration, i.e., a benefit which must be bargained for between the parties. The benefit can be money, a promise to do something or a promise to refrain from doing something. When two parties discuss entering into a contract, most people picture a large stack of paper with all the specifics and details hammered out, the attorneys are in the room and the parties are there to sign that paperwork, which is the physical embodiment of their months of long, drawn out negotiations.

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